Hi I’m Kate.
I originally started a blog years ago whilst at university as a platform for
drawings and paintings and doodlings.
Years later, I tend to use it as a platform to write reviews. I love following blogs and vlogs and I personally find it really helpful hearing about what people think, so I’m hoping that at least one person will stumble along, have a read and hopefully find something useful on here as I do on other people’s channels.
I live in the beautiful county (if expensive) of Kent with my fiancé – Aaron and our scruffernutter labradoodle, Rosie. When I’m not writing and not earning my keep in my day job, I’m usually found at the garden centre buying more plants, eating cheese whilst contemplating what diet plan I need to follow that week, scouring Pinterest for home-reno ideas or finding new walks to go on with Rosie.
Thanks for visiting!
Kate X